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1) Zhu C., Tong J., Yu X., Guo W., Wang X., Liu H., Feng X., Sun Y., Liu L., Fu B. Construction of a second generation genetic linkage map for bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis) using microsatellite markers. Animal genetics, 2014, 45: 699-708.

  1. Zhu C., Sun Y., Yu X., Tong J. Centromere localization for bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis) through half-tetrad analysis in diploid gynogenetic families. Plos one, 2013, 8: e82950.

  2. Zhu C., Tong J.,Yu X., Guo W.J. Comparative mapping for bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis) against model and non-model fishes provides insights into the genomic evolution of cyprinids. Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 2015, 290, 1313-1326.

  3. Zhu C., Cheng L., Tong J., Yu X. Development and Characterization of New Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Markers from Expressed Sequence Tags in Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio). International Journal of molecular Sciences, 2012, 13(6): 7343-7353.

  4. Zhu C., Yu X., Fu B., Tong J. Development of 201 tri- and tetranucleotide repeat microsatellites for bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis). Conservation Genetics Resources, 2013, 5 (3): 755-758.

  5. Guo W., Tong J.,Yu X.,Zhu C., Feng X., Zeng F., Fu B., He S., Wang X., Liu H., Liu L. A second generation genetic linkage map for silver carp (Hypophthalmichehys molitrix) using microsatellite markers. Aquaculture 412-413:97-106.

  6. Liu L., Yu X.,Zhu C., Zeng F., Tong J. 2012. Isolation and characterization of single nucleotide polymorphisms in the common carp (Cyprinus carpioL.) genome. Conservation Genetics Resources 2012, 4(3): 699-701.

8) Zhu C., Chapman D., Yu X., Tong J. 2013 Molecular population genetic studies on introgressive hybridization between silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and bighead carp (H. nobilis) in the Mississippi and the Yangtze River. 143rd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries.

9)朱传坤,童金苟,郭稳杰,俞小牧,王新华,刘海洋,冯秀,孙艳红. 2012 利用微卫星标记构建鳙第二代遗传连锁图谱. 中国海洋湖沼动物学会鱼类学分会2012年学术研讨会.

10)孙艳红,俞小牧,朱传坤,童金苟. 2012 鳙生长性状QTL定位研究. 中国海洋湖沼动物学会鱼类学分会2012年学术研讨会.


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