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  • 1992年毕业于湖南农业大学淡水渔业专业,获学士学位;

  • 1994-1999年中国科学院水生生物研究所研究生,师从崔奕波研究员从事渔业生态学研究,获理学博士学位;

  • 1999-2001年中国科学院海洋研究所博士后,2001年获青岛市青年科技奖,出站时被评研究员职称;

  • 2001年6-9月美国Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University访问学者;

  • 2001- 2005年日本东京大学海洋研究所工作,历任助理研究员和日本学术振兴会外国人特别研究员;

  • 2006年任职水生生物研究所鱼类环境生物学学科组组长, 责任研究员。




  • Status of alien fish species in the Western Gahts (India) as revealed from 2000-2004 surveys and literature analysis ,Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 2012 (in press)

  • Application of otolith shape analysis in identifying different ecotypes ofCoilia ectenesin the Yangtze Basin, China.Fisheries Research, 2012 (in press) : doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2012.02.020

  • Growth, length–weight relationship and biological information on the clearhead icefish (Protosalanx hyalocraniusAbbott, 1901) in Lake Khanka (Xingkai).Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 2012(in press) DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0426.2012.01961.x

  • Preliminary evidence of delayed spawning and suppressed larval growth and condition of the major carps in the Yangtze River below the Three Gorges Dam.Environmental Biology of Fishes,2012(93):439-447

  • Impacts of hatchery release on genetic structure of rock carp 3 Procypris rabaudi in the upper Yangtze River, China.Fisheries Science,2011(77): 765-771.

  • Reproductive biology ofCoilia mystus(Linnaeus) from the Yangtze Estuary, China.Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 2011(27): 1197-1202.

  • Identification of individuals born in different spawning seasons using otolith microstructure to reveal life history ofNeosalanx taihuensis.Fisheries Science,2011(77): 321-327.

  • Otolith retrieval from faeces and reconstruction of prey fish size for Great cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) wintering at the East Dongting Lake National Nature Reserve, China.Environmental Biology of Fishes,2010(89): 505-512.

  • Variation in reproductive traits between two populations of Neosalanx taihuensis Chen above and below the Three Gorges Dam.Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 2009(24): 529-533.

  • Two spawning stocks of icefish Neosalanx taihuensis revealed from annual reproductive cycle analyses.Fisheries Science,2009(75): 1157-1165

  • Validation of a method of estimating age, modelling growth, and describing the age composition of Coilia mystus from the Yangtze Estuary, China.ICES Journal of Marine Science, 2008(65): 1655–1661.

  • Transport-determined early growth and development of jack mackerel Trachurus japonicus juveniles immigrating into Sagami Bay, Japan.Marine and Freshwater Research, 2007(58): 1048–1055.

  • Gonad development of anadromous fishCoilia ectenes(Engraulidae) in lower reach of Yangtze River, China.Fisheries Science, 2007(73): 1224–1230.


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